Ordained Minister
Lead Clergywoman
Casey has been inspiring our community since having the vision of a church centered around the belief that each Life is a Holy, Sacred, Sovereign Temple of the One Living God. She brings a wealth of experience and energy to the church and all of our activities. Casey is our lead Pastor and an ordained minister. She is steadfast in her mission of helping all reconcile with the Truth of being fully human and fully Divine by activating each individual's return to their own Sovereign Divinity within their Sacred Sovereign Temple. She is passionate about tending to our temples and honoring them as the living house of God.

Ordained Minister
Holy Spirit Breath Clergywoman
A passionate Holy Spirit Breath Facilitator and inspirational spiritual guide, Morgan Bishop plays a vital part of our church. She is especially attuned to helping new members reconnect their spirit with their body through intentional breathing (Spirit of God). Remembering you are a sacred temple housing the spirit of God creates quantum shifts in all areas of your life.

Ordained Minister
Yoga Clergywoman
Nutritional Educator
Hannah is responsible for encouraging and maintaining our church’s culture by being an active leader in our ever-growing community and helping others tend to their Holy Temples through the prayer of yoga. As our Yoga Clergywoman and Nutritionist, she plays a crucial role in the body and mind spiritual life balance for the congregation within the Church of Sovereign Temples.
In addition to our virtual services, if you are local in NC, you can join Hannah and other members in person for Wednesday Temple worship.

Ordained Minister
Writing/Editorial Clergywoman
As a multiple-time international best-selling author, professional ghostwriter, editor, publisher, copywriter, and online program content creator, Chris is the light and voice of our community. Chris studied in seminary at the Masters level for over three years and is an ordained minister. Chris is a passionate mystic, seeking to help others spread messages that raise the consciousness of our planet. If you are interested in sharing your life mission with the world through the written word, contact her through this website.

Sacramental Tool Associate
Frequency and Vibration, a universal language, that Bryan helps us to connect to energetically through sacramental tools. Orgonite is a tool we use to clear and align various levels of frequency. The elements of nature can recharge our very life force and Orgonite combines these elements into an energetic tool. Along with sacred geometry and planet medicine Bryan is excited and ready to serve the church/community in every way possible. You can order custom tools and consultations with him virtually and locally in SC.

Dr. of Chiropractic
Dr. Sydney grew up in Eastern Canada. She developed a passion for the healthcare as a little girl, going to her mother's practice and helping her mom at her family medicine office. It wasn't until after her undergraduate degree in Anatomy and Cell Biology from McGill University that she found Chiropractic and saw the difference between health care and sick care. Graduating from Life University she now serves the greater area of Columbia, SC. Sydney is a wealth of knowledge in the human body and offers her knowledge to us all so we can can holistically care for our precious temples.